
Sometimes Magic Sounds Like Tape

Raghragh Moon

Some spontaneous fan art for one of my favorite comics, The Front! (Reeead iiit.)

It was inspired by this strip from a spin-off comic. Jared (the abominable snowman) has a cold, so Orange Guy (the… other character) nurses him back to health with soup and a bedtime story. The concept filled me with glee, so I had to draw it. :D

Orange Guy is a ton of fun to draw. Effeminate bishounen are great, but once in a while you’ve just gotta take a break and draw a hilariously buff dude. Know what I mean?

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6 Responses to “Raghragh Moon”

  1. Zela Says:

    EEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee- (deep breath) -eeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

  2. Liliy Says:

    Aw~ *tickles Jared’s feet* You’re a cutie aren’t you? Yes you are!

  3. Riverfox237 Says:

    *GASP* Oh my word I LOVE The Front! XD It’s been so long since I’ve seen it, but when I saw those characters I was like, “WAIT…are those who I think they are?!” Orange Guy and Jared are totally awesome. And I so want that adorable brown bear next to Jared, although I’m not positive if it’s a teddy bear or a REAL LIVE bear cub. Neither would surprise me with Jared. XD

    Looks wonderful, Aja! ^^ Excellent job!

  4. Aja Says:

    @Zela: :D

    @Liliy: XD I’ve always wanted to do that.

    @Riverfox: Hooray! Another TF fan! *thumbs up*

    That’s one of Jared’s teddy bears. I think he’s named Marmalade. (…Though I could totally picture him all tucked in with a live bear.) XD

    Have you seen the Origin of Jared side story? There are lots of awesome Jared and Orange Guy (and my favorite, Brigadier General ♥) moments in that one.

  5. KitFang Says:

    Ooooooooo… This is so cute and perfectly executed!
    I think I’m most drawn by Jared’s covers–I just wanna touch ‘em! They look so deliciously sumptuous…all foldy and drapey…
    (After that, though, I wanna snuzzle myself into Jared’s fur. Because, hello. IT’S SO FLUFFY!)

    A marvelous finished piece, lady Aja.

  6. Aja Says:

    Thank you kindly!

    And yesss, covers. Those were so fun. (Thanks to Burne Hogarth’s Dynamic Wrinkles and Drapery, I should say. That book never stops being useful.) ♥

    …I’m with you there. Abominable snowmen were clearly made for cuddling. :D