
Sometimes Magic Sounds Like Tape

Posts Tagged ‘serith’

The Mystery Man of Dark Meridian

Saturday, February 2nd, 2008

Serith Semi-Realism

It’s the other male lead of DM! You can’t see it here, but he has ivory skin, raven-black hair, interesting violet eyes, and a case of amnesia. I’d stay and type more, but my Cliché-O-Meter is starting to vibrate off the desk.

Heya, babe…

Monday, January 14th, 2008

…You know what they say about guys with no feet?

Invisible Window Sill

This one is from my other, older story: Dark Meridian! (For your convenience and sanity, only the heavily MST’d version is available for viewing.) In its first incarnation, one third of the characters were of the type inclined to stare moodily out of windows, while another third were the sort who would walk up quietly behind them and inquire after their emotional well-being.

The last third was there to antagonize the first two so that they could spend some time hurling magic around instead of brooding.


* It’s a lie.