
Sometimes Magic Sounds Like Tape

Posts Tagged ‘saint cy’

Combat-Ready Cole

Monday, December 14th, 2015

For Saint Cy! Here’s Cole the fighter, ready for some fightin’:

Who wants some?

This is one of the prizes for Cy’s epic fiction entry in the most recent fan work contest. If you haven’t seen it, check out Bob and Phidega’s excellent adventure in The Castle of Terror!


Monday, September 17th, 2012

For Saint Cy! This is his psychic superheroine, Faith:

As always, I love Cy’s costume design. ♥ I wonder where you could find a skirt like that.

J16 – Rick and Cy

Friday, January 20th, 2012

For Saint Cy! Who wanted to see Rick holding Cy up to give him a stern look in the eye:

What did Cy do to earn such an unimpressed stare? This is my best guess. :D