
Sometimes Magic Sounds Like Tape

Archive for the ‘Memes’ Category

J16 – Homeville X-Men

Thursday, January 31st, 2013

For Lightseid! We had Kiku and Henson as X-Men last year, so how about Bob, Joe and Jen as X-Men too?

I usually only accept one- or two-character prompts for J16, but since this was a) all TM characters and b) an awesome idea, I was more than happy to make an exception. :D

And now I keep wondering which other TM guys might make good X-Men.

J16 – Adelbart Visits Homeville

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

For Jevvy! It’s Adelbart de Poncerton harassing visiting Homeville:

Adelbart has published elucidating research on Homeville before. Perhaps he means to follow it up with a piece on village night life. :D

J16 – Emry and Captain Rat

Tuesday, January 29th, 2013

For Styxxsardonyx! It’s her pirate character Emry and his wife Captain Rat, a friend’s character:

Adventurer couples are the best. ♥