
Sometimes Magic Sounds Like Tape

Archive for the ‘Contests’ Category

WAM Pair-a-Thon 2013

Friday, March 8th, 2013

This was my entry for the fifth annual Wiglaf & Mordred Pair-a-Thon (such a fun contest concept):

For reference, see these two pages. ♥

’80s FTW!


Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

My entry for the Flaky Pastry contest!

This accomplished two things at once, since I also needed a practice project to familiarize myself with Google SketchUp. And what better subject to sketch up than this awesome sketch?

I suppose the entry is technically the 3D model itself, but here’s an assortment of exported screencaps anyway. ♥

There's a spare Nitrinebelt, some Nitrangs, and various other Nitraccessories in the glove compartment. The, uh... invisible glove compartment.

So yeah. XD

Probably nowhere close to how it will look when it appears in the comic, but it was fun! (And now I kind of want to drive it around.) :D

Sagacity Sam

Sunday, April 6th, 2008

Sagacity Sam

A semi-frivolous character design for… something. :D